Monday, October 15, 2007

Moodle Login Page is not shown in different language using Firefox

When using Firefox, apparently your moodle login page is still showing some English phrase even though you already force the site to use other international language.

To fix it, just copy Moodle.php from that international language, usually on the moodledata/lang/ folder to the moodle/lang/en_utf8 folder.

This will override the English language.

Moodle Set Number of Questions Displayed

Go to the question for that course and edit it. At the bottom, there is an option for Show Page Breaks. Check it and choose the number of question you'd like to display at the Repaginate. Then click the Go button.

Moodle 1.8 Unable to Login

Problem: After upgrading to 1.8, some users are unable to login. You have check and reset the password and it still won't let them to login.

Solution: Check the user's profile and click on the Show Advanced if it is not already shown. Make sure the Choose an Authentication Method is set to something, preferably Manual Accounts.

Moodle Certificate creating Custom Signature and Watermarks

In order to create a custom Signature and Watermarks for Moodle Modules Certificate, there is some guidelines.

First, you need to create a transparent background images. Then the picture is set, you need to set the color - mode to indexed.
I'm using GIMP and just go to Color - Mode and then choose Indexed.

Then save the file as .png type.

If you get the following error "FPDF error: Alpha channel not supported:" that means you have not properly follow the guidelines.

For a signature, set the size to 150 x 30 pixels.